Sheriff’s Department
The Sheriff’s Department is responsible for law enforcement within Lafayette County and administration of the Lafayette County Jail.
The Sheriff’s Office is a four-year term filled by election. Duties of the Sheriff include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Appointing of deputies
- Keeping charge of the Lafayette County Courthouse
- Protecting prisoners and maintaining the jail
- Managing the department’s budget
- Attending all sessions of the circuit and chancery courts
- Serving as the county librarian; maintaining census reports, statutes of the state, maps, charts and other donations to the county
- Maintaining the jail docket
Contact Information
Telephone: (662) 234-6421
Scott Mills
Chief Deputy
Alicia Watts
Administrative Assistant
Johnny McDonald
Jail Administrator
New Automobile Decal Notifies Law Enforcement of person with Limited Communications Ability
Mississippi residents with physical or mental communications impairments are now able to apply decals to their vehicle to alert law enforcement to their health condition.
This decal is placed on a license plate and on the front left corner of the vehicle’s windshield.
In order to receive this decal, the resident must have a condition that impairs their communication for five years. Verification is required from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist that states the applicant has a physical or mental health condition that impairs their ability to communicate with law enforcement.
Who is eligible?
Any legal resident of the State of Mississippi who has a health condition or disability that will limit or impair their ability to effectively communicate with law enforcement for at least five years.
Do I need proof of my disability?
Yes, you will need to submit verification from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist that states you have a physical or mental health condition that impairs your ability to communicate with law enforcement.
Where does the decal go on my car?
The decal is placed on your vehicle’s license plate and on the front left corner of its windshield.
Where do I get a decal?
The county tax collector, who issues your usual vehicle tags, will issue the decal.
What if I get a new license plate?
You may retain your decal by applying to the tax collector on or before its expiration. You will have to resubmit the verification of your disability from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist upon renewal for another license plate.
The Sheriff’s Security Registration and Mapping (S.C.R.A.M) Camera Registry Program
Signup Below
The Sheriff’s Office wants your help in fighting crime by taking part in the Sheriff’s Security Registration and Mapping Surveillance Camera Registry Program. SCRAM allows residents and business owners to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Sheriff’s Office. When a crime occurs, deputies and investigators will be able to identify the locations of nearby video cameras and enlist the assistance of the community to help collect video evidence which can be the key in solving major crimes.
Using the geographic locations of the registered camera, the Sheriff’s Office will be able to directly contact the citizen for video surveillance that could be vital in solving crimes that occurred in the area. Video surveillance is one of the best methods for apprehending criminals and convicting suspects who are caught in the act of committing a crime.
SCRAM is a great example of community-law enforcement agency partnerships and is something we highly value at the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office.
So, if you currently utilize private video surveillance at your home or business we would like you to partner with us and help in making our community safer. If you have any questions about the program, please contact the S.C.R.A.M team at or
Voluntarily registering your home surveillance cameras will have several benefits:
- Decrease in crime due to deterrence – increased likelihood of being caught
- Decrease in crime leads to increase in property value for homeowners
- Decreased crime leads to increased local economy for businesses. Patrons will want to visit more and, in turn, spend more money at local businesses, which means more jobs for the local economy.
- Saving tax dollars by reducing the time spent on investigations.
The program provides the benefit of being able to serve your community. If a crime occurs in your area, you should want to do anything you can to make sure that those responsible are caught and that it does not happen again. Voluntarily registering your home surveillance cameras provides you with a very simple and nearly effortless way of doing this.
You can complete the registration form on this website as well as the Lafayette County Sheriff’s App.
Frequently Asked Questions
By registering my home surveillance cameras, am I giving the sheriff’s department access to a live video feed? Absolutely not! By registering, you are simply letting the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department know that you have home surveillance cameras that may be useful in any future investigations of a crime in your neighborhood.
Does registering my cameras obligate me to share my recorded video if asked? No. Registering for the program only indicates that you may be interested in helping the Sheriff’s Department in the event a crime occurs in your neighborhood. You will not be held liable for failing to share video if you do not wish to.
Will the Sheriff’s department utilize my home security cameras as part of a surveillance network? No. The Sheriff’s department may contact you in the event a crime occurs in your neighborhood, but the recorded video obtained by your home surveillance cameras belongs to you. You alone decide if you wish to share it.
Is Lafayette County requiring me to register my home surveillance cameras? No. Registration and participation in the program are completely voluntary and you are in no way obligated to participate.
If you have any questions about this new program we are implementing, please do not hesitate to call our office, 662-234-6421.