County News

Lafayette County Fire Department Hires 9 New Full-time Firefighters for County’s Growing Population

Lafayette County Fire Department Hires 9 New Full-time Firefighters for County’s Growing Population Lafayette County Board of Supervisors respond to the need for more EMT’s and full-time staff   The population of Lafayette County now sits at just over 50,000 residents, with that number steadily growing each year. As the population continues to grow, there…

Correctional Facility Updates Looks to Improve Inmates’ Quality of Life

Correctional Facility Updates Looks to Improve Inmates’ Quality of Life New Kiosks Provide Access to Communication and Education The Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department is using technology to improve daily life for inmates and efficiency for staff. Since March of 2020, the department has introduced 19 kiosks throughout the correctional facility, including two money kiosks and…

Safety Tips From Lafayette County’s Search & Rescue Team

It’s summer in Mississippi, so you know what that means: It’s time to get outside, get active and get exploring. But before you hit the trails in Holly Springs National Forrest, cruise around Sardis Lake or go for a bike ride on the South Campus Rail Trail, it’s important to make sure that you are…

The Sheriff’s Security Registration and Mapping (S.C.R.A.M) Camera Registry Program

Signup Below The Sheriff’s Office wants your help in fighting crime by taking part in the Sheriff’s Security Registration and Mapping Surveillance Camera Registry Program. SCRAM allows residents and business owners to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Sheriff’s Office. When a crime occurs, deputies and investigators will be able to identify the…

New Automobile Decal Notifies Law Enforcement of person with Limited Communications Ability

Mississippi residents with physical or mental communications impairments are now able to apply decals to their vehicle to alert law enforcement to their health condition. This decal is placed on a license plate and on the front left corner of the vehicle’s windshield. In order to receive this decal, the resident must have a condition…

Free Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Disposal Available this Saturday

Do you have old batteries, prescriptions, appliances and chemicals taking up space in your home or garage? This weekend you can get these off your hands at no charge by stopping by the Three Rivers Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. Lafayette County is partnering with the City of Oxford and Three Rivers to provide area…

Sheriff’s Department Promotes Four Sergeants

The Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department recently upgraded their team with the creation of the role of Sergeant. L.J. McNece, Joe Quarles, Ethan Tidwell, and Justin Wilson were promoted to the new position. The job of a Sergeant is multi-faceted. In Lafayette County, they assist the Captain and Lieutenant in maintaining daily operations, managing prisoner transportation…

COVID-19 Vaccine Now Available FREE for Seniors 65+, Healthcare Workers and 18+ with Underlying Health Conditions

Appointments can be made through the Mississippi Department of Health online or by telephone. Lafayette County residents who are aged 65+ years or who work in healthcare-related fields or who are 18+ with underlying health conditions can now sign up for Coronavirus/COVID-19 vaccinations by visiting or by calling (877) 978-6453 or (601) 576-8050. There…

Sheriff’s Department Launches Surveillance Camera Registration Program

Area businesses and residents can now use their outdoor cameras to help the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office fight crime. Launched late last year, the Sheriff’s Security Registration and Mapping Surveillance Camera Registry Program (S.C.R.A.M.), allows individuals to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Sheriff’s Office. When a crime occurs, deputies and…

COVID-19 Vaccine Guidelines for Mississippi

As COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available to Mississippi residents, you may be wondering where you can get yours! All vaccines are distributed by the Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH) at health departments throughout the state. The requirements and eligibility guidelines can be found on their website: Citizens who do not have access to sign…