County News

Find My Supervisor District

A map explaining each district can be found below. Additionally, your supervisor district can be found on your Voter Registration Card. Board of Supervisors Districts 

Become a Poll Worker

Poll workers must be at least 18 years old, be registered to vote in Lafayette County and have their own form of transportation. If you are interested, apply on this page: Poll workers are paid anywhere from $115 to $135 per day, depending on what role they are assigned. Each poll worker must complete…

Check My Voter Registration

Call or visit the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s Office to ensure your voter registration is up-to-date. Your voter registration becomes inaccurate anytime you change addresses — even if those addresses are in the same town. Each time your address changes, you must call the Circuit Clerk’s Office to ensure your registration remains accurate. People who…

Find Out If I Have Jury Duty

If you are selected to serve, you will receive a jury summons by mail at the address listed as your place of residence on your voter registration card. If you change addresses, update your voter registration as soon as possible. If you receive a jury summons and you are unsure what it means, call or…

Get a Marriage License

You must visit the Circuit Clerk’s Office to get a marriage license. To ensure your appointment runs smoothly, please complete and bring a copy of the Marriage License Application with you. A $37 cash fee is due at the time of application. You will be able to leave the Circuit Clerk’s Office with your marriage…

Get Excused From Jury Duty

The jury summons you receive in the mail will outline the process of being excused from jury duty and the deadline by which to do so. Each juror wishing to be dismissed must visit the Circuit Clerk’s Office to fill out an affidavit. Your request for dismissal must be approved by a circuit judge and…

Replace My Voter Registration Card

In order to receive a new Voter Registration Card, you must call the Circuit Clerk’s Office and verify your address. A new card will then be mailed to you. You may visit the Circuit Clerk’s Office, but the card has to be mailed, so you will not be able to go home with a new…

Pay Court Costs or Fines

Chancery Court Any fees due to the Chancery Court must be paid in person at the office of the Chancery Clerk. Payments are accepted in cash, check and debit. Justice Court Any fees due to the Justice Court can be paid in person at the office of the Justice Court Clerk, or by mail. Payments…

Register to Vote

You must register to vote 30 days before participating in any election. To register, download the Voter Registration Application, fill it out completely and mail it to the Circuit Clerk’s Office with a copy of your ID. The address is: Lafayette County Circuit Clerk 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 101 Oxford, MS 38655 If you would…

Run for Elected Office

To run for elected office, potential candidates must meet certain qualifications and pay fees specific to their desired position and party. The qualifications and fee amount can be found below. Each candidate must file their intent to run with the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk. Candidates running for state office must file their intent with the…